Monday, December 4, 2006

One Thing

The title for this blog comes from an activity that we do at practice every morning that I think is incredibly powerful and important.

After getting the girls' heart rates up, they go through a dynamic stretching routine called "movement prep" designed to get them ready to play at full speed. The whole routine takes about 10 minutes for each athelete to complete. While this is taking place, one or all of the coaches will talk to the girls about what they are working on for the practice.

Coach McKay will say, "give me one thing that you are working on today that I can watch and give you feedback on." Before we start, Coach Stapleton will have given them an idea on what the focus of the practice will be, so that they can have a relevant goal. It is important for a couple of reasons though.

1. Focus. Now you have a plan on how you are going to improve today. Which reminds you that you are actually here to improve today. So often we (players and coaches) just go through the motions and do drills just to do drills.

2. Ownership. You get what you put in. You are in control of the process of improvement. If you aren't active in the process, then you likely aren't getting better.

3. Communication. While the goal is the athlete's, the coach has a chance to steer the goal in appropriate ways. You get a chance to let the athlete know hat they need to work on, and what they are doing really well right now. It's like having a player coach meeting every single day.

I have found this exercise so usefull that now I try to do it myself when at a practice. What is one thing that I want them to take out of this drill? Too often we get wrapped up in trying to do too many things right, all at the same time. Sometimes you can be more effective by just focusing on one important detail.

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